Potential 2×1 drug for Parkinson’s and Diabetes

There are plenty of examples of drugs that have been repurposed in recent years. For instance,…

Caloric restriction in disease

In previous articles we introduced the potential of caloric restriction (CR), that is a reduction of…

A limit to life?

We have talked here several times about the possibility of extending the lifespan through several different…

Progeria: the genetic disease that turns kids into old men

I wish I was just talking about big kids or men that behave like children. Unfortunately,…

Astroglia: key player in neurodegeneration

While everyone has heard about neurons, the information transmitting cells in the nervous system, astroglia is…

Probacteria against aging

It is quite probable that you’ve heard from the benefits of yoghurt and other probacteria containing…

Monos centenarios y a dieta

Hacer dieta es un concepto conocido en nuestra sociedad (especialmente si eres mujer), incluso cuando la…

Restricción calórica: ¿la clave para retrasar el envejecimiento?

Es simplemente imposible ser joven para siempre. Esto es una realidad de la que todos somos…

Reprogramando el envejecimiento

la reprogramación celular parece el próximo milagro médico del siglo, ya que en principio debería ser…

Lo que las vacas locas nos enseñan sobre el Alzheimer

Si eres lo bastante mayor, es posible que te acuerdes de la llamada crisis de las vacas…