T cells could be key for early Alzheimer’s detection

For a long time Alzheimer disease has been studied mostly as a neuronal disease. However, recently…

Immune system: down by stress

Sometimes it can be hard to juggle the increasingly demanding tasks of a normal day: a…

First synthetic embryo with brain and beating heart produced twice independently

Mostly, people think that an embryo can only (except in case of parthenogenesis) result from the…

Welcome to the latest human mouse chimeras

A chimera was a mythological animal in the Antique Greece, but now a biological chimera is…

iPSC can help revert brain stroke damage in mice

For a long time it has been posed that induced pluripotent stem cells or iPSC in…

ipSCs: the regenerative medicine of the future

A promising form of therapy to combat the biological effects of aging comes from the use…

24-hour fasting to rejuvenate your intestines

One of the most studied, most promising avenues for improving what is known as “healthy” aging…

Reprogramando el envejecimiento

la reprogramación celular parece el próximo milagro médico del siglo, ya que en principio debería ser…

La medicina regenerativa del futuro: ipSCs

Una estrategia realmente prometedora para combatir los efectos del envejecimiento proviene del uso de células madre.…

Reprogramming aging

Reprogramming is considered to be the potential medical miracle of the century, it should in principle…