Nuevo test rápido de coronavirus con CRISPR

Uno de los problemas más graves a los que nos enfrentamos para parar la expansión de…

Brain structure differences associated with smartphone addiction

Smartphones are our everyday travel companion. Be it for work, in our leisure time or to…

Sweet adicction

Sugar has been in the spotlight for a while, it being the most likely culprit of…

Gene modification drives 500% life extension in worms

Believe it to not, little worms (C.elegans) are an useful tool for researchers studying aging. Specially,…

A protein family linked to health benefits of exercise

We all know exercise is important to be healthy, every doctor in the world would tell…

¿Por qué es necesaria la Ciencia? Lecciones del coronavirus

Si algo nos está enseñando la pandemia del COVID-19, es que la Ciencia -con mayúsculas- no…